Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Computer Arts 2- Term Check List

Computer Arts 2
Self- Directed Team

The Plan
  1. Brainstorm- post inspiring examples/visual ideas and post to your blog.
  2. Select your favorite idea- Identify what you are going to try.
  3. Project PlanWrite a proposal about what you are hoping to learn and achieve throughout this project. Note how challenging you think it is for you (maybe on a scale from 1 to 10).
  4. Research ways to do the project. Find a tutorial or steps to try.
  5. Post tutorial web address(es), rate the tutorial. How was it useful for you? 

The Process
  1. Describe your process- write notes while you are learning the program/how to do or teach others. Post an update of your progress each class. Post reflections, what have your learned? Post images. Consider goals of what's next... how are you challenging yourself?
The Results
  1. Post your work in progress and finished work. 
  2. Reflect on your process- Did you achieve your anticipated results? how well did you do? Give your self a mark and explain why you are giving it to yourself.

Finally... Semester Review
Write a reflection on your process for the term:
What have your learned?
What have you struggled with?
Any additional comments?

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